Tuesday 30 December 2014

Command Window tricks

You know when you misspell something in the Command window and have to go all the way back and fix it? Try this instead:

F1: will copy the previous command char by char.
F2: will copy the previous command up to the char you want.
F3: will copy the previous command from the char you are at and to the end.

So, for instance: I wanna run my tests in the console and happen to pick the wrong version of the testrunner, 1.9.2.

>..\src\packages\xunit.runners.1.9.2\tools\xunit.console.exe Car.API.Tests.dll

To change it, I just press F2, copy to the char '2', edit the command with a '3' instead and press F3 to complete the command.

Another gem is the F7-button that will give you the history of commands if you don't wanna page through them with the arrow buttons.

And a very useful one, pipe output to the clipboard. As easy as adding | clip after a command.

>..\xunit.runners.1.9.2\tools\xunit.console.exe Car.API.Tests.dll | clip

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